Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'm back, so...

I am aware of the fact that I have been skimping for the past two weeks, but I have legit reasons. The first is that I was just diagnosed with ADHD, so that's been hectic. The second thing is that it's the end of the quarter at my school, so we have a gazillion tests. The third thing is that, you guys have heard of the jerkin movement, right? (Never jerking- never with a g on the end!!!) Well anyway I've always been like really into it, and so has my friend, so we decided to start a jerkin squad called the "Superr Duperr Jerk Squad!!" So look into that soon, we're not on youtube yet or myspace so... but we will be. :) (I know MySpace is ghetto, and I hate it too, but it's spectacular for promotional purposes.) We're still making beats. I might post some of our songs that we've done when I'm finished with the post-production.

Speaking of jerkin, I have started a Jerkin news website called iJerk (iJerk Online, iJO) at this address. It's got lots of different resources so be watching out for that!

BTW For Official Disney Studios: I haven't made anything for you yet because FIRST, I know that this is the backup account for the Albarwahab (gotcha). Second, because when you say "package order" you gotta give me something. Like as in what package? I'm not mad at you, we just need to clarify some thangz...

Ok I'm out. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Awe, I didn't know that. Well I'm glad you're doing okay, and I can't wait to see the "Jerkin Movement Squad".



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